Thursday, February 13, 2014

Thursday in Ghana

I am so tired right now, I don't even know why I am blogging. I fear if I don't get all this down I will forget some things and disappoint some people so I will give it a try...please excuse any mistakes or non-sense. 

We enjoyed our normal breakfast at our normal table. This hotel is feeling very comfortable to all of us now and we are making friends with the staff. Gabriel has become the key commander and enjoys carrying his own room key and letting us in the elevator and the room. 

Following breakfast, Auntie Ebe picked us up in a taxi and we headed back to G4G (the "transitional home" where our children have been living for the past 3 months). We made a plan to treat the G4G family to a day at the beach. Auntie Ebe spoiled us all by packing a lovely picnic lunch and all the children (and adults) had a wonderful time playing at the beach. One of the sweet girls who is new to the home had never been to the beach before so she was quite overwhelmed at first but she quickly became brave and really enjoyed playing in the sand and water. All of the G4G children are so precious and Auntie Maria is the most amazing house mom to them. She is so loving and kind and good. I feel so blessed to know her and have her pour love into my children. Her mother is visiting right now from Holland and it is easy to see where she gets many of her best traits. Her mother is also so wonderful to be around and is so loving towards the children. It was difficult to say goodbye to this sweet group of people. Very difficult.

Auntie Ebe invited us back to her home for dinner and she had lovingly prepared Gabriel's favorite meal for him. She spent hours that morning before the beach making this special dinner while also making and packing the beach picnic. She is such a beautiful example of selfless love and sacrificial giving. I am inspired by her and so grateful for her.  We greatly enjoyed this meal in our loving friend's home with her family. She also gifted me a beautiful wrapping cloth so piggy back rides for my girl will be much easier. Since she always likes to be held this was a wonderful gift and frees up my hands while I carry her. I love it!

The children went to bed so late tonight so hopefully we will all sleep in a little in the morning. We are praying for big things tomorrow. 

Visa update: The Department of Social Welfare, Director of Adoptions called today and let us know that he issued the necessary clearance letter for Gabriel's visa. This is good news. However, we are still waiting for the Embassy to let us know that they will print the visa. We are hoping for a phone call tomorrow. We will continue to pray and trust. 

Our sweet friends (who we haven't met yet) have told us how to get into their home tomorrow since they are still away. We will settle in there tomorrow unless we get a call. Adam will fly out at 10pm (5pm EST) tomorrow.  Please pray for good rest for all of us tonight and peace and patience while we wait for some news. 

Meanwhile, back on the home front, Granny has been holding down the fort with Liz and Cael for the last week. They are doing well despite the inclement weather. Additionally, my uncle passed away a few days before we left which had my parents traveling to be with family in NJ this week. Also, my sweet sister-in-law lost her grand mother ,who was instrumental in raising her, this week which had her traveling through our home with her two young boys to be with family in Kentucky. And a dear family friend also passed away this week which now has Granny traveling to VA/NC  to be with family. We are thankful that all these loved ones knew Jesus and are in His presence tonight but our hearts are heavy for all who we love that are hurting. Please pray for them. 

Since Granny will be leaving for the funeral, our dear friends, the Everswicks, will be moving into our home tomorrow to take care of Liz and Cael until daddy (or all of us!!!!!!) return to Atlanta on Saturday. We are so thankful!!!! We miss those two at home so much!

Thank you to all of you who are praying so fervently for God's timing in this and for the visa to print. As hard as it is to wait we know that God is always on time. 

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