Monday, February 17, 2014

Another Monday in Ghana

As you know from yesterday's post, I woke up to a sweet boy laying on me at 6am. It was the most perfect way to wake up!!!! The day continued in very much the same way. Gabriel was mostly loving and kind. He was mostly helpful and obedient. It was awesome!  Thank you so much to all of you who are praying so fervently for our family. I am truly overwhelmed by the response of so many!

God's character never changes and He is always faithful. He is always trustworthy. His always good. And He is always on time.

I have decided to view this time as perfectly ordained. I am not waiting for a visa, I am just waiting for God and He is assuring me that He's got it all worked out.

This second Monday in Ghana, we woke up and did a little "school" in bed. Then we watched some cartoons. Gabriel made us some eggs and sausages for breakfast. He wanted to watch me eat it. (He doesn't like it when I don't eat which has been the standard lately.)

Around 11am Auntie Ebe and the taxi came and we took the 1.5 hour drive to Goods for Ghana. We spent the day with the "family" our children have known for the past 2 months. The woman who runs the home is AMAZING. She has a beautiful heart full of love for the children placed in her care. She is a very young lady with very old wisdom. I am amazed by how well she cares for her crew. She will forever hold a special place in my heart. And her lovely mum who is visiting from Holland while her partner is away on business....words don't do justice for this wonderful lady's heart! They are a beautiful pair, this mother and daughter working side by side to love children that are really hurting. The Thompson family will always love and cherish the pair of you!

As for the children....please join me in praying for them. Alexis, Junior, Jessica, and Patience. Each of them are hurting. Each of them are amazing. God loves them so much.

One of the gifts we gave to G4G was a Passion CD from Passion City Church, Atlanta. I wish PCC could see a group of Ghanaian orphans dancing to "God's Great Dance Floor" in a modest home in Tuba, Ghana. Nothing better than turning a "transitional/foster" home to a powerful house of worship! Auntie Maria said they have been listening to the CD every day and enjoying the songs so much. I am so thankful!!!

We came home from G4G in the evening and had some dinner. Gabriel made some indome for himself and Debo. He is quite the little chef and very much enjoys being the provider of the meal. I am stepping back from the American-style hover mom and watching as he ignites a gas stove, tosses sizzling sausages into hot oil, uses a very sharp knife to cut into some mango.... I am learning that he has life skills that Liz and Cael could never have at age 8. They have come because of some very hard times. There is no doubt Adam and I will be teaching him a lot, but he also has a few things to teach us. I will watch from a distance and make sure he doesn't blow up the kitchen or severely burn himself, but I will not stand over his shoulder saying "be careful", "let me do this part it is too dangerous", "watch your finger". I am learning that he is capable of many things and he needs space.

I am still so tired. I am sleeping fairly good at night but I think the long days of intentional parenting and the emotional exhaustion has just all caught up with me. God gave me the strength for yesterday and I know He will give me the strength for today.

The children are both still sleeping this morning. I am slightly dreading a consequence that I will have to enforce today so I would appreciate your prayers that it would be effective. Last night I gave Gabriel ample time to play his computer while I tucked Debo into bed. I told him clearly several times that at 10:00pm we would close the computer and go to bed. At 10:00pm I asked him to come and he said he was coming. I went to bed. He came in at 10:30pm. He was clearly being defiant. He talked and talked and made excuses all while I laid there trying to sleep. I decided to help train him I would take away his computer for the day. This will be a major consequence but I really feel like it is the right time. I will let him play it again tonight at 8:00pm while I am tucking Debo in and I will give him another chance to succeed tonight. Prayers appreciated!

I do feel like I am shifting from survival mode to parenting mode with these children now. I feel like it has been one of the greatest and most obvious gifts in this extra time in Ghana. Many of you have mentioned that in your posts and comments and I definitely agree. We needed some time to get to know each other better. It is good.

Today we will do something fun...not sure exactly what yet but you can read about it later. ;-)

Please keep praying for us. It has been such a blessing to be so covered and carried through your prayers. I can't wait to get to heaven and hear Jesus say to me, "My sweet daughter you have the best group of friends and family that anyone has ever had. That time you were in Ghana adopting Gabe and Debo, I was soaking in and enjoying their words of praise and petition on your behalf. Do you see now what I was doing in and through you and them?"

Yes, Lord. I already see a glimpse and I can't imagine what it looks like from your perspective. Praise you!


  1. I love that rule #2 is No beating. You should definitely keep that one. I love reading your updates and seeing and hearing the ways God is being faithful. Praying the words of Psalm 139 over you all this morning, that you would be comforted again with the knowledge that God knows with you sit & rise, perceives your thoughts, discerns your going out and lying down (nap time?!), hems you in, searches you and knows you! Love you.

  2. continuing to lift all of you up in prayer. God is good!

  3. Keep strong friend. Norhing you are going thru is shocking to God He is ordaining each one. Praying for you. You seem to be loving those kifs so well. Jen

  4. God has His timing and it will be perfect. Thank you for reminding me of that. We are praying it will be soon, though.
    Brianna, Hope and Stuart's daughter
