Tuesday, May 28, 2013

We are home!

Wow! The last 24 hours are a bit of a blur.  I just took the most wonderful long hot shower of my life! ;-)

Yesterday morning we checked out of our hotel and went to see our children at the social worker's home.  It was a Ghanaian holiday and yet our sweet social worker was caring for our children in her own home and hosting us all day long. She is one of the most selfless, sacrificial and genuine people I have ever met. She works very long hours and cares for the "least of these" everyday. There is no doubt her reward in heaven will be so great because that is where she has stored up her treasure. Our lives are SO MUCH RICHER for the week we spent with her and we will always be grateful for the love she shows to our children and so many others.

She has prepared the kids for the day ahead and they knew that when we arrived they would be leaving her home and heading back to the orphanage to stay for awhile until Mommy and Daddy could return for them. This discussion had taken place several times over the week.  We all tried our very best to explain that the paperwork takes some time and we would be working very hard to come back as quickly as possible.  Our son is very smart and he has tried every way possible to negotiate a better way. He has told the social worker that she should make the papers now and let them go to America. Oh, if only it were that easy! He has asked, "what will happen if we just go without papers?" His little mind is trying so hard to come up with a better solution and unfortunately there isn't one. Needless to say when it was time to leave the social worker's home both of our children had pretty major meltdowns. The day did not start out well.  They wanted nothing to do with Adam or I and they really just wanted to cry and yell, so that is what they did. They were both forcibly put in the car and we started our long drive with a car full of tears.

About halfway to the orphanage we stopped to eat and finally had a pleasant time together. I was able to dance with our little girl and twirl her around. We shared lots of smiles and giggles. Our son loosened up and began playing and being silly. Thank goodness we had this time on our last day! I was  beginning to think our final day would be all tears and gloom.

When we got to the orphanage the kids were happy to show their photo books to all their friends and pass out some treats that we had brought. We enjoyed visiting with the pastor and his wife who run the home and then we left with some more tears. It was not great. Thank you for your prayers! I feel certain they have carried us home. We traveled all night and landed in NY very early this morning and then continued on to Atlanta.

We have enjoyed showing Liz and Cael all the photos and videos. It was so amazing to see the videos and photos from yesterday and I looked down as I was still wearing the same clothes. It seems like a week ago already and it was only yesterday. Clearly, that shower was needed and those clothes needed to be shed. ;-)

I am not allowed to post pictures and videos on any sort of public forum until we receive our official adoption order which will hopefully be next week. However, I am going to try and send a private message with all the footage before then. I'll let you know when I send it and then if you didn't receive it you can let me know. I know everyone is anxious for pictures and I am anxious to show off my babies!!!!! I hope it will be soon!!

We are so grateful!

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