Tuesday, May 7, 2013

My way are not your ways

There is one thing you can count on in the adoption process...things will not likely go according to your plan.

We accepted a referral for two precious kids on April 17th...

Our Sources:  "Ghana requires 3 months from the signed placement letter until court date".

Us: "We have seen other families get quicker court dates why do we have to wait 3 months?"

Our Sources: "Those families likely adopted waiting children that had already been in the system for a little while so they were given an earlier date. We will let you know when your placement letter has been signed and then your court date will likely be about 3 months from then."

Us: "Ok...looking forward to court at the end of July.".......April turns to May and no signed placement letter...."OK..looking forward to court sometime in early August."

EMAIL MESSAGE MAY 3, 2013 (STILL NO SIGNED PLACEMENT LETTER) "You have a probable court date of May 23rd. We will let you know more soon."

Us:................................... (a little speechless)...........Thank you God!

That is AMAZING of course! We weren't expecting it until late July at the EARLIEST. Besides that being the last week of school here and crazy life plans, it is also the weekend of the Legacy Retreat in Orlando. Phew!  They will be fine without me but I am having a hard time getting my mind to settle down. So many details to pull together for court, Liz and Cael back home, the Legacy Retreat....plus I am going to meet my new kids in 2 weeks!!!!!!!!  Kinda freakin' out here! Clearly this is God's plan because it is miraculous timing but my human mind is having a really hard time trying to keep up. ;-)

All night as I tried to sleep one verse kept going around and around in my mind:

Isaiah 55:8-9
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so our my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."

All this time I was praying for patience to wait as I thought it would likely drag on and instead God went turbo speed on us!  Now I am praying for peace and clarity and trust. He is good all the time!

Today I booked two plane tickets to Accra, Ghana and we will be there ready to meet our precious kids on May 18th. Please pray for our visas to be processed efficiently and for our travel to go smoothly.  Pray for our time with our new children, for the first meeting to be sweet and for our week with them to make up for the first 5 and 6 years of their lives that we have missed.  We also ask for prayer on May 23rd as we go to court to officially adopt our sweet kids.

Feeling overwhelmed, satisfied, grateful and incredibly blessed today!


  1. Thank you for sharing all of these crazy details!!! It is so exciting to get to be a "part" of it. I am praying and praying for all of you!
