Wednesday, May 15, 2013

No Visas Yet

We are feeling discouraged today because our visas did not arrive and they did not ship out. It is not looking good for our travel on Friday.

There is another family traveling with us who is adopting a little girl from Ghana.  They also mailed their expedited visa application on the same day and have not received anything back.  They have decided to drive to DC tonight and go to the Ghanaian embassy tomorrow with the hopes of picking up  all of our visas.  If they are successful they would overnight them to us and we would hopefully fly out on Friday as planned.

I share this with you so you can pray

  1. For the safety of our friends as they drive all night.
  2. For God's favor at the embassy tomorrow, that they can get all 4 visas.
  3. For peace as we wait
  4. For wisdom in how to best handle our flights and court date if we can't get the visas tomorrow.
IF you choose to pray with us you should know that regardless of the outcome we KNOW God has this plan in His hand. We will give Him praise and glory with or without visas tomorrow and with or without a flight on Friday. His ways are higher than our ways and his thoughts are higher than our thoughts. 

So....we pray, and hope for what we think is best and then we trust! 

Here we go....I type this to remind myself of things I know but still struggle with.  Trust me, this girl is not feeling peace, hope and trust right now. She is praying for God's power to be made perfect in her weakness.  

Here I am God...I am weak and things are completely out of my hands...I DO trust you. Please give us clarity and direction as we take one step at a time. 

I will update tomorrow...


  1. That's our job, my friend. To rehearse what we know about God's goodness, faithfulness and knowledge of all things. To allow the Spirit to remind us of His words we have hidden in our hearts and repeat them until our exhausted and anxious minds catch up. Praying for the details of the next few days, until you hold those sweet and lucky Thompson kids in your arms!! with lots of MN love and hugs,

  2. Betsy is so smart. Remember her words girlie.
