Both of them are speaking English SO WELL!!!!!! It is quite remarkable how well they are communicating with us. Debo Grace is like a little sponge and she is now stringing together long sentences and even telling stories in English. I can almost always understand what she is trying to tell me. Gabriel understands everything we say but it doesn't necessarily mean he always listens. He tests the boundaries a bit more than his sister but he has a great heart. He is often sharing something with others and is SO AWARE of what's going on around him. Last night at dinner he candidly asked if we are waiting for his papers. We told him that was true. Then he asked if we are waiting for Debo's papers. We explained that we already had hers. He looked a little shocked and then explained that we should take her home and he will be OK. We explained that we will not take her home without him. We will wait as long as it takes to bring them home together and hopefully that will be on Friday. After a moment of thought, his sweet little independent, tough, resilient mind proceeded to explain his plan to build himself a boat and come to America. He really is very smart! He tells us every day that he wants to go to school. I think he realizes that is the way to success and there is no doubt this kid wants to succeed. I have a feeling we will not be able to keep him home once school is an option.
Another Gabriel story...the other day during lunch Gabe told Adam a story about the time he tricked a bird into being his dinner. He said, "I kept feeding the bird more and more so it would get so fat that it couldn't fly and then I killed it and cooked it for dinner." ;-) Oh my! This boy has many stories to tell us.

friends for an hour. She wasn't completely convinced and clung to me for dear life. After a bit she loosened up and enjoyed some time with her friends but she kept her eyes on me and made sure I wasn't going anywhere without her. I am so thankful she is fully embracing me as her mommy.
In the pool yesterday I asked her what she would like us to call her. I said, "Do you like Debo?" She sort of shrugged. I asked her, "Do you want a new name?" She seemed pleased with the idea. I told her that daddy and I were thinking of naming her Debora Grace and calling her 'Grace' or 'Gracie'. Her little eyes lit up and she said that she liked that name. As we kept swimming I called her 'Gracie Girl' or 'Debo Grace' and she really liked it. She told Ebe the next time we saw her that her name was Debo Grace. Those of you who are close know that we have been considering calling her by her new middle name, 'Grace' for quite awhile. She seems receptive to the name so we will let the name metamorphosis continue. For now, we are calling her Debo Grace. I will keep you posted! ;-)
Today we woke up and went to breakfast. The children always prefer to eat breakfast outside by the pool. Daddy sweats the whole time but obliges the children who are always "too cold" in the air conditioned restaurant. The children pile their plate with many sausages: chicken, beef and pork. They both love the sausages. They also love eggs, potatoes, and fruit. Neither are interested in cereal, waffles, pancakes, bread or bacon.

Following the market we made the 2 hour drive to Bawjiase and United Hearts. The children were very excited to receive their gifts. I had printed many photos that had been taken by a few volunteers and had them laminated and decorated. They were a HUGE hit with the children and house staff. Thank you to everyone who took them time to decorate them and write words of encouragement and scripture on them. It was wonderful to see the children looking through their photos and then showing them to each other. We also provided some tacky putty so they can put them on the wall. We had a great visit with the sweet kids and staff at United Hearts and as we drove away I couldn't help but consider what we were leaving behind. Our children were driving away from an orphanage, a place they no longer belonged. They were leaving behind this place to join a family. United Hearts will always hold a special place in our hearts. They loved our children so well while they waited for us. Thank you United Hearts!
When we returned to the hotel we ate dinner and then Debo and I took a bath and hunkered down. The boys of the family decided that the day would not be complete without a dip in the pool. So after dinner, Gabe and Adam went for a night swim. I vaguely remember them coming in at around 9pm.
Another good day to add to our memories. We are bonding, loving, laughing, eating, dancing and playing. Hopefully soon we will be celebrating.
We are going to meet with the Department of Social Welfare Central Authority Adoptions Desk at 2pm. We are so hopeful he can at least give us some sort of update on where things stand with Gabriel's visa. The Embassy won't provide any information but "hopes to wrap this up as quickly as possible." We are fully trusting God with this and we will continue to do so. Thank you for your prayers!
(If you didn't realize all of the linked sentences above have a video attached. Enjoy!)
Pastor Elisha and his wife, United Hearts |
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