Friday, February 14, 2014

Friday in Ghana

I struggle with the words for this post...

My family is now literally divided into 2 halves and it hurts.

Adam got on a plane tonight to head home to Liz and Cael.

I am staying in Ghana with Gabe and Debo Grace.

The visa didn't print today. We are very disappointed but we are still trusting God's perfect timing. I know it was VERY hard for Adam to leave us and I will admit my tears have been abundant tonight but we are all trying to be strong for each other. Poor Gabriel is the one I worry about the most. He is dealing with a lot right now. Since Adam has left he has been the champion of manhood....looking after me and Debo in the most loving and caring ways. He has asked me so many time tonight, "Mom, are you OK?". As he was quietly sitting in bed tonight huge crocodile tears fell down his face. He feels guilty that his visa is keeping us separated as a family. He feels scared that soon he will be in an unknown world. He already misses his daddy and he fears that I will leave too. Yet, at the same time, he is telling me to go and take Debo and he will be ok. And at the same time he is telling me rules on how to stay safe in Ghana. Oh....there are so many things going on in that sweet boy's head and heart. Please pray for him. He is an amazing kid and this is just the beginning of his amazing story.

I will end with things I am so thankful for tonight:
1) I am thankful that I have four very healthy children.
2) I am thankful for a mum-in-love who drops everything to keep things as normal as possible for Liz and Cael and I am so thankful for the Everswicks who are loving on them and staying with them now that Granny has left. Beyond grateful!
3) I am thankful for the Tankersleys who always love us well and have given Liz and Cael so many wonderful moments of fun and distraction this week. (and will help Adam in the week to come. ;-)
4) I am thankful for Angela Bailey who knows a thing or two about booking and changing flights. I am SO thankful she was able to take care of canceling my flight tonight. The Delta phone lines had several hours wait time and after waiting for 4 hours she ended up driving to her local airport and getting my flight fixed. I am SO GRATEFUL!!!!!!
4) I am thankful for an amazing friend and former social worker, Ebe, who loves my kids as much as me and sacrificially gives of herself so freely to others. A friend for life! Words cannot explain what a blessing she has been to our family. God gave me the most beautiful gift in her friendship.
5) I am thankful for an amazing home that we relocated to today in Ghana. We were greeted by their staff who welcomed us warmly. We have our own security guard keeping us safe. We have air conditioning and food and comfy beds and American TV, and even a sweet pet dog that has provided entertainment for Gabriel. We still have not met this wonderful family but they will be returning on Tuesday and we look forward to thanking them in person. We are safe. We are well.
6) I am thankful for a God that holds the WHOLE WORLD in his hands. Nothing formed against me shall stand. He goes before me and He stands behind me.   I am so thankful.

Dear Lord, I ask you to protect Adam as he travels through the night tonight. Please give him sweet time with Liz and Cael this week. Lord, please protect Gabe and Debo and I. Please use these extra days in Ghana for your glory...that we might bless you in our words and actions and that we might grow in our relationships with each other and you. Lord, I ask for you to continue to provide peace as we wait and wisdom in any actions we should take. Please heal the hearts of our new children, especially Gabriel. Give me wisdom to nurture him well this week. I pray for sweet moments with each other and you. Amen

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