We had talked about our final day in Ghana often. Gabriel had a plan. He wanted to go to G4G and give many of his clothes and toys to them and also say a final goodbye. He wanted to take a shower at 5:00pm and then leave for the airport at 6:00pm. We woke up on Saturday in Ghana with this plan.

During the car wash, Debo was walking over to the plants to look at a butterfly when she accidentally stepped through the metal grating leading to a drainage pit. (See the car wash photo for the picture of the drainage grating.) Her foot went through the grating and she began screaming. The wound that she suffered was severe. (Please speed past the pictures below if you are not interested in seeing them.) She was in terrible pain and was very scared. I must admit it really scared me too. Our amazing new friends helped us get out the door and to the clinic quickly where they escorted us immediately back to receive care. They cleaned the wound and then sent us to the hospital to get stitches. Debo was quite a mess, as was I. Thankfully, Uncle Dwayne drove us and stayed with us and helped handle the payments and logistics so I could tend to Debo Grace 100%. She ended up needing sedation in the operating room and 6 stitches. It was not an easy day and we still needed to get on a plane at 10:10pm.
(Some interesting side notes: It only cost me $60 for the hospital consult and $130 for the anesthesia, sutures and recovery. In this operating room you remove your shoes before entering and go in barefoot....I guess that is cleaner? If you need sedation and sutures you can still fly on an overnight airplane that night.)
Gabriel was concerned about his sister during the injury. He acted tough and he referred to his terrible injury a few months back and how he didn't get any treatment at all. He wanted to downplay it and take some of the attention but ultimately he was worried about her. It was sweet. When I encouraged him to continue with our "plan" to go to G4G while Debo went to the hospital he was hesitant but, thankfully, he went. It was better for everyone that way. Debo asked for him shortly after we got home from the hospital. He came home not much longer and greeted me with the biggest hug ever. We missed each other this day and that was very good for both of us!
He got in the shower at 5:00pm, we left for the airport at 6:00pm and we boarded a plane at 9:00pm that departed at 10:10pm. We had quite a headache at immigration but thankfully we had plenty of time to deal with it. Gabriel was especially excited about the adventure that was in front of us. He was very chatty and had a lot of nervous energy. Needless to say, he didn't sleep for the entire flight. Seriously. 12 hours. He was very well behaved and respectful to me and a HUGE help with all the bags. Debo slept well on me. Thankfully we landed in JFK on time and after a few stops through immigration and customs we were able to rush and make it just in time for our flight to Atlanta.

The children were also so excited to reunite with their buddy, Robert who was adopted from the same place and came home to Georgia last month. All three kids were very happy to see each other and the rest of the us also share such a bond so it was sweet to connect with all of them over some banku and pepe (and other stuff. ;-).
God has carried us through this adoption journey and he will surely carry us through the days ahead. We are exceedingly grateful for all of your prayers and support. We really cannot adequately express in words what it means to us. It feels so good to be home!!!
I praise you, Lord for these children and this home. Thank you for bringing us home safely and for uniting our family. Please bond us together as a tight unit and most importantly draw us closer to you, individually and collectively. Deepen our love. Strengthen our faith. Increase our capacity for patience and understanding. Guard our hearts. We love you so much! Amen.
I don't know you, and you don't know me - I'm a member of Church in the Acres up in Springfield, MA - but I have been praying for you guys, and I absolutely have tears of joy streaming down my face for you and your whole family! Praise God, He is SO GOOD!!
ReplyDeleteAll day I was hoping to get to read an update, but assumed you'd have more than enough on your plate. So good to hear you made it home safely- sorry to hear about Debo's leg! Sure hope that she has a speedy recovery!
ReplyDeleteOh Jill!!! My heart is so full! I can't believe, no matter how spiritually mature I am, I still just cannot get over His goodness-- His kindness and love is something that still, twenty years into knowing Him, amazes me. Over and over it keeps amazing me!! Your family is absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing the steps of your journey. What faith building goodness!! Love you.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, we are very happy for your family!. I pray God's blessings for you all.
ReplyDeleteDave Asher, (Rebecca's Dad)
So excited to have prayed for y'all. He is an awesome God and we are so thankful y'all are all together. Will continue to pray for you.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this nice post! Logistics in Ghana. Logistics in Ghana.