Friday, October 11, 2013

Getting Closer

Our POA was able to pick up the visa packets for our kids on Wednesday. Yay!  Now they are getting their medicals done.

On October 21st at 7:30am they will have a visa interview. If they pass and our case is not put under a review then their visas should print that Friday and we will fly to Ghana on October 26th.

There is a possibility that our case will be placed under review for no specific reason and that could delay our travel by a few weeks.

I will keep you posted as we know more. We will not know anything else now until the 21st.

Thanks so much for your prayers and support. We are closer than ever and feeling very excited!

Dear Lord,
Thank you for the peace you have given us during this waiting period. Thank you for consistently reminding us that these children are first and foremost yours and that you love them even more then we can imagine. Thank you for taking care of them and putting them in a loving orphanage filled with beautiful children, staff and volunteers. Thank you for all the photos that we have been able to enjoy.

Please be with Gabe and Debo as they go for their medical appointments. Calm any of their fears and hold them close. I pray that they both remain healthy and well and strong.

Please be with the US Embassy workers and the visa process.  I pray for an immediate pass at the interview stage and for a smooth process in the remaining steps.

Thank you for being in control and caring about all the details and for giving us glimpses at your big picture. We trust you and look forward enthusiastically to the remainder of the journey.

In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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