Saturday, July 13, 2013

Feeling sad and frustrated

After waiting patiently (OK, not always patiently) to hear from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for 4 weeks we finally get THREE letters in the mail today. They are all red. Red is not good.

We have to provide some more information before they will grant citizenship for our sweeties. I will not go into details but let's just say these documents will not be so easy to acquire. The Bethany team in Ghana already works such long hard hours and now we will be asking (begging) them to work longer and harder to try and come up with documents that don't currently exist. Blah!

Please pray for us. Pray for the team in Ghana as they work so hard on our behalf. Pray for our sweet kids who are very eager for us to come and get them. They call once a week and in their very limited English they only ask us to "Come!" Breaks my heart. every.time.

Meanwhile their beds are ready, their siblings are ready, their mom and dad are more than ready.

God please grant us the peace to walk this path a bit longer. Please be with Naa, Solomon, and Ebe as they work hard to help get the proof that has been demanded. Please help everything to go quickly and smoothly. Please hold Debo and Gabriel close and let them feel your love and comfort and care. Put in their hearts a knowledge that they have a family who loves them deeply and a Maker who loves them even more. Please put people in their lives to cuddle them and hold them. Please be with the orphanage staff and volunteers and give them strength to love our kids and the others. Please bless this process and sustain us in the days and weeks ahead. Amen.


  1. Proverbs 3:5-6
    I'm trusting in the Lord, along with you and your precious family.
    Take care,

  2. I'm sorry, Jill. :(

  3. We are so sorry to hear of this recent obstacle. Praying.
    We Love You,
    Papa & Granny
